Dr. Burcu Baykal Minsky

Dr. Burcu Baykal Minsky, PhD’2014 (currently an Application and Product Development Scientist at New England Biolabs)

Dissertation title: Protein Behavior Directed by Heparin Charge and Chain Length

Representative publications:

  • B. Minsky and I.A. Kaltashov, et al. Mass Spectrometry Reveals a Multifaceted Role of Glycosaminoglycan Chains in Factor Xa Inactivation by Antithrombin. Biochemistry. 2018, 57(32), 4880-90
  • B. Minsky and I.A. Kaltashov, et al. Heparin decamer bridges a growth factor and an oligolysine by different charge-driven interactions. Biomacromolecules. 2013, 14(11), 4091-8

Click here to see all papers co-authored by Dr. Burcu Baykal Minsky based on her work at UMass-Amherst