Dr. Ololade (Lola) Fatunmbi

Dr. Ololade (Lola) Fatunmbi, PhD’2015 (currently Chief Strategy Officer at separation Methods Technologies and a post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at UPenn)

Dissertation title: Utilizing in Silico and/or Native ESI Approaches to Provide New Insights on Haptoglobin/Globin and Haptoglobin/Receptor Interactions

Representative publications:

  • O. Fatunmbi and I.A. Kaltashov, et al. Interactions of Haptoglobin with Monomeric Globin Species: Insights from Molecular Modeling and Native Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry. Biochemistry. 2016, 55(12), 1918-28

Click here to see all papers co-authored by Dr. Ololade (Lola) Fatunmbi based on her work at UMass-Amherst