Dr. Shengsheng Xu

Dr. Shengsheng Xu, PhD’2017 (currently Senior Research Scientist at Frontage Laboratories. Inc.)

Dissertation title: Analytical Methods to Support Design and Optimization of Protein Drug Conjugate: Focusing on Haptoglobin-hemoglobin Complex as a Drug Carrier

Representative publications:

  • S. Xu and I.A. Kaltashov. Overcoming the Hydrolytic Lability of a Reaction Intermediate in Production of Protein/Drug Conjugates: Conjugation of an Acyclic Nucleoside Phosphonate to a Model Carrier Protein. Mol. Pharm. 2017, 14(8), 2843-2851
  • S. Xu and I.A. Kaltashov. Evaluation of Gallium as a Tracer of Exogenous Hemoglobin-Haptoglobin Complexes for Targeted Drug Delivery Applications. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 2016, 27(12), 2025-32

Click here to see all papers co-authored by Dr. Shengsheng Xu based on his work at UMass-Amherst