Supporting Investigator.

Research Assistant Professor

Cedric E. Bobst (B.S.’1997, University of Cincinnati;  Ph.D.’2004, Ohio State University) is a chemist who also had an in-depth training in classic biochemical methodologies while working on his PhD dissertation in Dr. Bob Tabita’s microbiology laboratory, where he learned cloning, mutation, expression, and purification in addition to molecular modeling. During his years at Ohio State he also used high resolution mass spectrometry and hydrogen/deuterium exchange to probe higher order structure of several proteins (in collaboration with Dr. Michael Freitas). Dr. Bobst moved to UMass-Amherst in 2007, where he started developing mass spectrometry based techniques to study protein structure and protein-ligand interactions. He was promoted to a Research Fellow position in 2011 and to Research Assistant Professor in 2014. In addition to his own research, Dr. Bobst mentors several graduate and undergraduate students working in our group.