Author: En-Hsin Lee

Outstanding Poster Presentation

Bach received a William E. McEwen Fellowship Award for Outstanding Poster Presentation at ResearchFest 2016.

Outstanding Poster Presentation

Bib has received William E. McEwen Fellowship Award for Outstanding Poster Presentation at ResearchFest 2016!

NIH R01 Grant

The Chen lab has received a 5-year R01 award from NIH to support the research on “Creating an OmpG toolkit for biosensing”.

Paper Published

Monifa Bib and Bach published their work in ACS Sensors March 30th 2016. Link

Paper Published

Monifa and Bib published their work in Anal Chem October 9th 2015. Link

Paper Published

Monifa published her work in Journal Phys Chem B July 16th 2015. Link

Paper Published

Monifa and Christina published their work in ACS Nano Jan 9th 2015. Link

Best Poster

Christina has won the best poster award in the MCB annual retreat.  Congratulations!

CBI Traineeship

Monifa has been awarded the CBI traineeship to support her work on ClyA.

Paper Published

Monifa publishes her first paper on the ClyA toxin assembly pathway in JBC. Congratulations!
