Welcome to Vanessa Chaplin, who will join the group as a PhD student from Chemistry.
John Wins William E. McEwen Fellowship
Congratulations to John (left, back row) for winning the William E. McEwen Fellowship Award for Outstanding Poster at Research Fest. “Mechanistic and Kinetic Studies on the Human Oxygen Sensor, Factor Inhibiting HIF”
Dr. Shannon Coates-Flagg Defends Dissertation
Congratulations to Dr. Shannon Coates-Flagg for defending her thesis. Shannon will move to private industry in bio-analytical chemistry. Thanks for initiating our work on PHD2 inhibition and chemistry.
Dr. Evren Saban Passes Final Defense
Congratulations to Dr. Evren Saban for passing his final defense. Evren will move to Istanbul to begin work at Tubitek. Thanks for spearheading our work on solvent isotope effects and second-sphere contacts in FIH.
Breanne Holmes Completes M.S. in Chemistry
Congratulations to Breanne Holmes for completing her M.S. in Chemistry. Thanks for initiating our work on FIH-ligand binding spectroscopy.
The Group Parties at Monkey Bar
Group party at the Monkey Bar in Amherst. From left to right: Shannon, Adrienne, Meaghan, Robert, Halil, Mike, Evren.