Tran, T., Karunanayake Mudiyanselage, A.P.K.K., Eyles, S. J., and Thompson, L. K. (2023) “Bacterial chemoreceptor signaling complexes control kinase activity by stabilizing the catalytic domain of CheA” Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci 120, e2218467120
Tran, T., Karunanayake Mudiyanselage, A.P.K.K., Eyles, S. J., and Thompson, L. K. (2023) “Bacterial chemoreceptor signaling complexes control kinase activity by stabilizing the catalytic domain of CheA” Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci 120, e2218467120
Pan, X., Tran, T., Kirsch, Z.J., Thompson, L.K., Vachet, R.W (2023)“Diethylpyrocarbonate-Based Covalent Labeling Mass Spectrometry of Protein Interactions in a Membrane Complex System” J. Am. Soc. Mass Spec. 34, 82-91.
Thompson, L. K. (2022) “Protein rings are critical to the remarkable signaling properties of bacterial chemotaxis nanoarrays” Sci. Signal. 15, eabn2056.
Castro, C., Johnson, R.J., Kieffer, B., Means, J.A., Taylor, A., Telford, J., Thompson, L.K., Sussman, J.L., Prilusky, J., Theis, K., (2021) “A practical guide to teaching with Proteopedia” Biochem. Mol. Biol. Educ. 1–13.
Malik, N. and Thompson, L. (2020) “Beyond Structure: Understanding dynamics in membrane protein complexes,” in: Separovic, F., Sani, M.-A. (Eds.), Solid-State NMR: Applications in Biomembrane Structure, Biophysical Society-IOP ebook, pp. 13–1 to 13–23.
Malik, N., Wahlbeck, K. A., and Thompson, L. K. (2020) “Strategies for identifying dynamic regions in protein complexes: flexibility changes accompany methylation in chemotaxis receptor signaling states” BBA Biomembranes 1862, 183312.
Special issue: Molecular biophysics of membranes and membrane proteins, (2020) edited by LK Thompson & Merritt Maduke, BBA Biomembranes 1862, 183116.
Li, X., Eyles, S. J., and Thompson, L. K. (2019) “Hydrogen exchange of chemoreceptors in functional complexes suggests protein stabilization mediates long-range allosteric coupling.” Journal of Biological Chemistry 294, 16062-16079.
Kashefi, M., Malik, N., Struppe, J. O., and Thompson, L. K. (2019) “Carbon-nitrogen REDOR to identify ms-timescale mobility in proteins” Journal of Magnetic Resonance 305, 5–15.
Hardy, J. A., and Thompson, L. K. (2017) “Mutual Mentoring To Promote Success and Satisfaction of Women Faculty in STEM,” in Educational and Outreach Projects from the Cottrell Scholars Collaborative: Professional Development and Outreach (Waterman, R., and Feig, A., Eds.), pp 1–11. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC.