Kashefi, M. and Thompson, L.K. (2017) “Signaling-Related Mobility Changes in Bacterial Chemotaxis Receptors Revealed by Solid-State NMR” J Physical Chemistry B 121, 8693-8705.
Kashefi, M. and Thompson, L.K. (2017) “Signaling-Related Mobility Changes in Bacterial Chemotaxis Receptors Revealed by Solid-State NMR” J Physical Chemistry B 121, 8693-8705.
Haglin, E.R., Yang, W., Briegel, A., and Thompson, L.K. (2017) “His-Tag-Mediated Dimerization of Chemoreceptors Leads to Assembly of Functional Nanoarrays” Biochemistry 56, 5874-5885.
November cover of Biochemistry
Harris, M.J., Struppe, J.O., Wylie, B.J., McDermott, A.E., and Thompson, L.K. (2016) “Multidimensional Solid-State NMR of a Functional Multiprotein Chemoreceptor Array” Biochemistry 55, 3616-3624.
Prüess, B.M., Liu, J., Higgs, P.I., and Thompson, L.K. (2015) “Lessons in Fundamental Mechanisms and Diverse Adaptations from the 2015 Bacterial Locomotion and Signal Transduction Meeting” Journal of Bacteriology 197, 3028-3040.
Koshy, S.S., Li, X., Eyles, S.J., Weis, R.M. and Thompson, L.K. (2014) “Hydrogen Exchange Differences between Chemoreceptor Signaling Complexes Localize to Functionally Important Subdomains” Biochemistry 53, 7755-7764.
Briegel, A., Ladinsky, M.S., Oikonomou, C., Jones, C.,W. Harris, M.J., Fowler, D.J., Chang, Y.-W., Thompson, L.K., Armitage, J.,P. and Jensen, G.J. (2014) “Structure of bacterial cytoplasmic chemoreceptor arrays and implications for chemotactic signaling”, eLife 3, e02151.
Harris, M.J. and Thompson, L.K. (2014) “A Promising Prognosis for Solid State NMR of Functional Membrane Protein Complexes”, invited chapter for Advances in Biological Solid-State NMR: Proteins and Membrane-Active Peptides, (F. Separovic and A. Naito, Eds.), RSC Publishing, 405-424.
Briegel, A., Wong, M., Hodges, H., Oikonomou, C., Piasta, K.N., Harris, M.J., Fowler, D.J., Thompson, L.K., Falke, J.J., Kiessling, L.L., and Jensen, G.J. (2014) “New insights into bacterial chemoreceptor array structure and assembly from electron cryotomography”, Biochemistry 53, 1575-1585.
Mukherjee, S., Thompson, L.K., Godin, S., Schackwitz, W., Lipzen, A., Martin, J., and Blanchard, J.L. (2014) “Population level analysis of evolved mutations underlying improvements in plant hemicellulose and cellulose fermentation by Clostridium phytofermentans” PLOS ONE 9, e86731.
Koshy, S.S., Eyles, S.J., Weis, R.M. and Thompson, L.K. (2013) “Hydrogen Exchange Mass Spectrometry of Functional Membrane-bound Chemotaxis Receptor Complexes”, Biochemistry 52, 8833-8842.