Group News

Open call for papers!

Journal of Materials Chemistry B and companion journal Nanoscale are announcing an open call for submissions to a themed collection on ‘Nanozymes’ to be published in Summer 2023!
The journal welcomes submissions from now until the deadline (May 1st 2023), with articles being published in the next available issue on acceptance and collated into an online collection.

For more information, follow the link below:

–> Open call for papers: Themed collection on Nanozymes

Jessa and Rita won at the Research Fest 2022!

Rotello Research Group members presenting at Research Fest 2022.
Congratulations to Jessa Marie V. Makabenta for winning the Marvin D. Rausch Lectureship Award for Outstanding Oral Presentation (First Place) and Ritabrita Goswami for bagging the Marvin D. Rausch Lectureship Award for Outstanding Poster Presentation (First Place). Excellent work!
Thank you and kudos to all the organizers of the event!